Several years ago, for greater strength and flexibility, I added an expanded, much more advanced, Surya Namaskar, Sun Salutation as a prelude to my otherwise daily morning routine of T'ai Chi, Kung Fu, and Hatha Yoga, in that order. The asanas, i.e., poses, of the Sun Salutation, begin and end, significantly enough, in the Tadasana, the Mountain Pose. Through this very prayerful ("let Thy thoughts, be my thoughts"), personal relationship with the Giver of All Life, I have come to understand the Mind of the Sun through my 36-year quest to discover the meaning of my CREATION EXPERIENCE .
In the Beginning, the fusion reaction explosion of the Big Bang, the Awakening, the beginning of Self-Awareness, sent its matter hurtling at great speed outward in every direction in all sizes and speeds, both gases and molten solids.
Within my Creation Experience post, I wrote: "There was nothing else (but me, the Sun). No light. No darkness. Nothing! Suddenly, the Nothingness began to separate into shapes and forms. I was witnessing (creating, imagining?) Creation. What was assembling before me was a scene separated from me by a Great Abyss (the vast 93 million mile space that separates the Sun from the Earth). Across that Abyss was a Mountain (Earth) and a Sea (infinite space) off in the distance. On that Mountain, seated on a Rock, in the nearly identical pose of Rodin's "The Thinker," was a God-like Bearded Man of unimaginable anatomical perfection in Left Profile (the Sun was looking in a Mirror, i.e., Reality was observing it's Virtual Image). Nothing seemed real; the perfectly round Disc (Moon) in the "Canvas" sky appeared stage-like as well (no radiance) (♫"It's only a Paper Moon hanging over a Cardboard Sea"♪). I was observing all this as a Being of Pure Consciousness; the Life observing the Clay, as it were. The thoughts of the Man on the Mountain were my thoughts. He ("I") was asking him ("My") self the Eternal Questions. "I" the Observer, the Man the Observed, yet One and the same. He never looked toward me. It was "I" who was aware of him, he unaware of me. He stood up, walked toward the Peak of the Mountain, his back towards me. He walked around, then down, the right (East) side of the Mountain and disappeared from my view." (This is a metaphor for the Earth's rotation.) Because the Sun does not shine on the Dark Side it cannot see the Dark Side.
Although at the time, I didn't understand the true meaning of the words of the song, "It's Only A Paper Moon," which defined my Experience; that we are created in the Image and Likeness of God, that is to say, His Virtual Image, His Avatar, I see now, as this song reveals, that
"It wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me."
It's Only A Paper Moon
It's only a paper moon
Hanging over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
It is only a canvas sky
Hanging over a muslin tree
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Without your love
It's a honky-tonk parade
Without your love
It's a melody played at a penny arcade
It's a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phony as it can be
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Monday, September 01, 2008
THE SUN AWAKENS by Steve Savage "King of the Beasts"
Posted by
Steve Savage "King of the Beasts"
9/01/2008 08:13:00 AM
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