Because the circumstances surrounding the death of Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul the First, are obscure, if not obfuscated, to say the least; and, because of an unexplained supernatural experience I had that connected me to this holy man, I continue to look for anything that will help me to understand why I have lived this mystical life.
Today, while reviewing the YouTube video, below, which I added to my Playlists sometime back, I discovered something so strange that I was moved to publish it here for you to see.
If anyone knows for certain what that image is, or has some idea of what it may be, please leave a comment.
Below the video are links to four related posts.
To see the image to which I am referring,
The last days of Johannes Paulus I (Albino Luciani 1978)
"Pope John Paul I, Exiled to Anonymity" by Steve Savage
A certain smile, a certain face, can lead an unsuspecting heart on a merry chase
My Book Review of Lucien Gregoire's "Murder in the Vatican"
Below is the link to for those who wish to buy Lucien Gregoire's latest, updated 4th Edition. Here for the first time is the proof of how John Paul I, and those around him, fell victim to twentieth century capitalism as it was jointly embraced by the Vatican and the United States.
Murder in the Vatican: The Revolutionary Life of John Paul and The CIA, Opus Dei and the 1978 Murders
SPECIAL NOTE: click on "comments" and read the very interesting submission by Donald Lee Hardy.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Posted by
Steve Savage "King of the Beasts"
7/12/2008 11:50:00 AM
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The bank scandal which brought down the Bank of Ambrosiano in Rome, leading to the execution-style murder of the bank's president, Roberto Calvi, came on the heels of the assassination of Pope John Paul I. The Pope was killed several years prior to the scandal for wanting to clean up the Vatican Bank as well as expose the Masonic involvement of many high-level bishops and cardinals.
Although the Pope's death was officially listed as being "from natural causes," he strangely died after serving only 33 days in office, an important Illuminati cult number, and was never given a proper independent autopsy or murder investigation.
In fact, when family members and friends asked to have the Pope's intestines properly examined to check for possible poisons, the late Under-Secretary to the Pope, Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot, suspected of being at the heart of the Pope's assassination, officially released a statement that "the Pope's intestines unfortunately had already been burned."
With John Paul I out of the way, the corruption in the Church continued as usual with Archbishop Paul Marcinkus of Chicago, head of the Vatican Bank, given a clean slate and protection from Pope John Paul II. Archbishop Marcinkus was already under the wing of the Jesuits, and had been previously tagged as a CIA/ Nazi spy working underground in Poland to sell out his people, along with liberal priests who were sent to concentration camps and killed.
Propaganda Due or P2 was a Masonic lodge operating under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Italy from 1877 to 1976 (when its charter was withdrawn), and a pseudo-Masonic or "black" or "covert" lodge operating illegally from 1976 to 1981. During the 1980s, when the lodge was headed by Licio Gelli, P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli, the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, and the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire.
(From Wikepedia)
It appears to be some demonic daemon with wings. Hard to believe the church would kill someone but I guess stranger things have happened.
It is a sign of the lodge, a nod of the murder, seems typical movie, but this is reality, from my point of view and my ignorance.saludos from spain
I just posted my comment on another entry because until this moment, I could not find the comment button.
If you want greater detail then what I gave in that response, e-mail me in the address provided in my google profile.
I for one am deeply ashamed that Paul Marcinkus was a Lithuanian American. Shame on him.......the murderer.
I am of Lithuanian/Polish/Swedish descent.
It sickens me to think of his conduct.
Shakes head as I type this comment
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